One last mileage run (really, status run?) for the year to Singapore. Managed a Carl sighting at SFO because that guy is always flying. Then had an offer to be bumped for $2,000 ETC that they were asking for volunteers for-- only to be told at the last minute they didn't need any volunteers and go ahead and board.
Lucked out tho, while I had a confirmed upgrade on my original evening return on United flight 28 (and a ~14 hour layover), was able to do a same day flight change to the morning return (so a ~2 hour layover after accounting for delays) and was able to get upgraded on the morning return (United 2). Was super happy that worked out as was definitely looking to wrapping up flying for the year!
Also random, ended up next to another passenger from the SFO-CHC inaugural, Patrick, on the SFO-SIN leg. So that was kind of cool too-- lots of frequent fliers out there.