Day 1 - Flying
Day 2 - World Cup
Day 3 - Buenos Aires
Day 4 - Ushuaia
Day 5 - Drake Passage
Day 6 - Antarctic Circle
Day 7 - Antarctica
Day 8 - Antarctica
Day 9 - Antarctica
Day 10 - Antarctica
Day 11 - Antarctica
Day 12 - Drake Shake
Day 13 - Ushuaia
Day 14 - Return
Tried a lighter breakfast up at C.Green's on deck 8 instead of the main dining room (Two-Seventy) on deck 5 for a change. The smoked salmon wrap didn't look like much, but it actually wasn't bad. A few bird sightings in the afternoon, second day of skipping lunch, then another surprisingly decent dinner, this time of veal loin, before crossing the Antarctic Circle in the evening.
Have to say that much like crossing the equator, crossing the Antarctic Circle itself doesn't look like anything different-- but still cool to do. And as a geographer, definitely appeals to the nerd in me to say I've done so?