Tyler's Last Day
Tyler's last day at UCLA SSCERT. Now that we're all vaccinated, Mike organized a going-away lunch at the old BJ's Brewery in Westwood, and something like a dozen of us showed up to say goodbye. Was great to catch up on the past year and change for a lot of us who'd been 100% remote since the start of the pandemic, and even better to be able to give Tyler a proper send-off before he and his better half start a new adventure in Chicago!
Plus throw in a brief visit to Sprinkles Cupcakes earlier, for the last day of their extraordinarily-messy-to-eat s'mores cupcake. Marshmallow frosting on top, a gooey chocolate center, and a layer of graham cracker crust at the very bottom all conspire to drop crumbs and chocolate and marshmallow all over your face, clothes, hands, and the floor.