San Marino: September 2019
Spent the morning exploring old town Bologna, complete with a quick coffee with Sam before dropping him off at the airport. Climbed to the top of the Le Du Torri, which was a great way to get gross and sweaty before the breeze (and the view) at the top cooled you off. Well worth the pittance they charged- if you don't mind stairs, and appreciate scenic views.
San Petronio Basilica was unfortunately under renovation, but at least an early lunch at Mercato di Mezzo was tasty and cheap. Did not have time for a proper meal, which was regrettable as the Emilia-Romagna region is known as one of the food capitals of Italy.
Then it was time for a fourth and final trip to the airport. Returned the rental car, snapped some photos of the Lamborghinis on display inside the airport, and then had a delightfully quick and smooth flight to Frankfurt (FRA). Followed, of course, by a massive line at passport control and a second time working up a sweat, running across half the terminal to try to make my connection. United actually ended up holding the flight an extra 20 minutes, so in the end I didn't need to run. Doh. (credit where credit is due, United's new Connection Saver program helped quite a few people today!)
FRA-SFO was a smooth flight, the appetizer terrine was awful, the fish didn't give me food poisoning, and the pre-arrival Beef Wellington managed to not be too awful. Sunset managed some nice hues of purple, too-- made up for accidentially sleeping through some great views of Greenland earlier in the flight. Also, turns out the US women's national synchronized swimming team was on the flight too- the flight crew announced them to a round of indifferent applause from most of the passengers, which surprised me- maybe people don't know what synchronized swimming is???.
Just long enough of a layover at SFO to clear customs and inhale a few bites to avoid starvation, then onto one last flight back to LAX. Not a bad way to spend Labor Day weekend!