Made an all too infrequent visit to Bakersfield to visit Alicia's brother Scott, as well as an even more rare visit to the Wilshire family.
Then found ourselves stuck in a 2+ hour complete freeway closure due to a hydrogen peroxide tanker accident on I-5N. The weird part was, when we finally drove by the reported accident scene, there was zero sign of any accident, and only a tiny fraction of the Caltrans and CHP vehicles who had passed by earlier were there. There were zero LAFD vehicles as well. Hazmat? No sign! Bizarre...
In any case, we finally made it up to Bakersfield, go to check out Scott's (not so) new place and his overkill home automation setup, then headed over to Dan and Carolina's. Got to meet them as a family unit for the first time (two kids now!!!!!), catch up, see a second house in an afternoon with a garden in the backyard, and yes, prove that Dan is still alive!
Quick dinner at Tahoe Joe's before heading back to LA. At least that was a traffic-free drive. *grins*