Saipan: December 2018
From the cool and rainy Pacific Northwest to the tropical South Pacific... well, after a few plane flights!
Quick flight from Seattle to San Francisco, killed some time at the airport as they switched from breakfast to lunch, complete with machine rolled sushi... at least it was complimentary? Ended up sitting around for over another hour due to the airplane being pulled from storage late and still having a few unresolved issues, but at least it was a perfect day for contrails and views of the bay on takeoff.
Despite the broken bits of airplane interior, both meals on the 15+ hour flight to Hong Kong were quite good. Smoked duck plus a bowl of noodles that might have come from a low-budget, lower-tier Hong Kong street vendor were very surprising-- among the most edible meals I've had recently on an airplane. The scallop jook at the end of the flight was also excellent, even if the portion was tiny. Not sure on the cup noodle snack tho. *grins*
Had some great Arctic views on the flight, too. Such rugged and beautiful terrain; easy to appreciate from 39,000 feet compared to slogging your way through it on the ground!