Constant's Bachelor Party
Celebrating-- Randy's words, not mine-- the last time Constant's going to see his friends in South Lake Tahoe. *grins*
Pretty tame, just about everyone flew or drove in on Friday, started the party with pretty decent steak at Ciera and gambling at Montbleu, then moved over to clubbing at PEEK. I think the whole group is so old, it'd probably been years or even a decade since many of us had been inside a club. o_0 I think a bunch of the group even went home before midnight, since they knew they couldn't handle going out two nights in a row.
Next day started with World Cup watching at 7am (!) over a hearty breakfast. Then it was party boat time, complete with an upper deck, grill, and water slides! Cruised from Cave Rock to Emerald Bay, dropped off the bachelor on a little island to explor, then we had to repel hostile boarders before we were able to retrieve the bachelor. Hangin' out in the hot tub before a fairly passable German dinner at Himmel Haus, then back to Montbleu and Opal.
Next morning wasn't quite as rough as expected, but since most of the group had families to go back to, we didn't even do an organized breakfast-- instead most of the group split and headed home. (are we now responsible adults? o_0 )
With the party over, caught Frances and Patrick for lunch in Sacramento; Frances still does a great job sniffing out good food, no matter where she is! (also thanks Tuan and Andrew for dropping me off!) For suburbia, Buck and Sadie's was better than expected; the burger wasn't bad but not too special, their mango sour was unexpectedly different and surprising. Not bad, and t'was good to see Fratrick-- and their new place!