Days 0 and 1 - In transit
Day 2 - Phuket
Day 3 - Setting sail
Day 4 - 115/Nyaung Wee
Day 5 - Bo Cho/Ko Phawet
Day 6 - Wa Ale Kyunn/Sitta Galet
Day 7 - Nyaung Wee/Than Yoke
Day 8 - Myauk Ni/Thay Yae
Day 9 - Back to Phuket
Day 10 - Return to the USA
Myanmar (Burma): January 2017
The last breakfast of the trip was pancakes! A little underdone, but they looked beautiful.
Had a nice four hour sail back to Kawthaung, relaxed on the deck, and then said farewell to Captain Brian and his crew as we hopped on the longtail boat back to Ranong.
Stopped by the Tesco Lotus supermarket for snacks on the drive back, then a rainstorm made for a slightly long drive back to Phuket. Ended up wrapping things up with an overpriced meal at the hotel restaurant, complete with terrible, slow service... but we decided that beat wandering to one of the tourist traps outside for an even worse meal.