Days 0 and 1 - In transit
Day 2 - Phuket
Day 3 - Setting sail
Day 4 - 115/Nyaung Wee
Day 5 - Bo Cho/Ko Phawet
Day 6 - Wa Ale Kyunn/Sitta Galet
Day 7 - Nyaung Wee/Than Yoke
Day 8 - Myauk Ni/Thay Yae
Day 9 - Back to Phuket
Day 10 - Return to the USA
Myanmar (Burma): January 2017
Last full day and night onboard the Zoe III. Breakfast of potatoes, eggs, and fresh bread, plus the last of the bananas. Sailed to Myauk Ni Island, aka Red Monkey Island... although despite the name, no monkeys, just red bats.
Snorkeling was quite nice, and for lunch-- glass noodles! (mmmm) Plus fish and more tamarind sauce. Yum.
Just for good measure, to ensure we got a full dose of all possible weather on the trip, it rained in the afternoon and into the evening. Made for some cool photos, but also made us appreciate how small the boat is when you can't use half of it!
Dinner was fish soup and a small tuna. Sadly the tuna was kind of fishy, and by the final night I was getting tired of picking all of the small bones out of the fish. t'was still enjoyable, but maybe a reminder that the all-fish diet definitely has its limitatons?