Jan 2016 - Day 4
Jan 2016 - Day 3
Jan 2016 - Day 2
Jan 2016 - Day 1
Feb 2015 - Trip 2
Feb 2015 - Trip 1
April 2013
March 2013
2013 and previous
MORE SNOW! Holy crap we've been spoiled-- yet another day with fresh snow!!
Finished off the last of the breakfast supplies (including almost all of the Schat's danishes we grabbed on the way up), packed up, and most of the group headed home.
Those who stayed were rewarded with the best conditions of the entire trip. The wind continued to spoil things for the top, but our trips up High Five Express (Chair 5) paid off; as ominious as conditions looked there were just enough thin spots in the clouds to leave a few good runs before condition got truly bad. Then as we headed down the mountain, our legs reminded us that 4 days in a row of skiing was a bit much, and it was time to go home. The feeling of sitting the lift, thinking we could do a few more as we looked at the sunshine and 6+ feet of snow everywhere evaporated halfway down every time as muscles screamed in protest!
Late lunch at Mahogany Smoked Meats for some excellent sandwiches. Not that Erick Schat's is bad (we stopped there for bread to take home), but Mahogany Smoked Meats has much less of a wait and sandwiches that are even better if you like piles and piles of meat. The Rodeo, the pastrami, and the turkey club... nom!
After getting back to LA (thanks Chris!), headed to catch more of Steven's friends at BCD Tofu House for dinner. Picked up Michelle and we all went to town on BCD's soon tofu, crab, galbi, and bulgogi. Bunch of us nom'ed on the intestine soon tofu, which was a nice change from the usual beef or seafood soon tofu.