Mass fooding
Mini food crawl in the not-so-little plaza we always go to at the corner of Western Ave. and Redondo Beach Blvd. in Gardena.
Bowl Thai struck me as a perfect lunch-for-the-hardworking-employee place; they also had a decent dinner crowd but the vibe clearly wasn't the same. So-so food but excellent service in the late afternoon, which was a surprise.
Honeymee does excellent ice cream, but the small portions still command a high price, and the health hype about honey is a big turn-off. At least it was better than It's Boba Time, which also had a charming (industrial-themed this time), surprisingly ample-sized space but with mediocre milk tea.
Wrapped up the night at Barley Forge in Costa Mesa. Surprisingly nice place to hang out after work; packed, decent enough beers, and a pretty good looking food menu. Another industrial vibe, combined with a bit of 1950s or 1960s-era decor. The Orange Curtain was a pretty good IPA, I was a little disappointed by the Don Perfecto (Horchata witbier). The Fusty Puckett (brown ale) was surprisingly tasty too. Parking lot is a bit cramped but it's only slightly under sized for the number of people they can hold inside, so really can't complain. Nice stock of board games and popcorn, too!