E3 Expo
Finally dragged my butt to E3 after all these years. Definitely a spectacle and an experience, but without any major new releases of interest to me this year, it honestly wasn't all that interesting. I suspect next year or the year after with new-generation consoles from Sony and Microsoft will be much more interesting.
The line for Disney's Ostown hats was crazy, the latest Hitman game looks pretty solid, the new Metal Gear, and a few others did look pretty good.
Ended the day back on Sawtelle, via the new Metro Expo line (nifty!) which let us avoid massive E3, Stanley Cup, and President Obama-related traffic that afternoon. Pretty cool! Dinner at the new Ramen Jinya location (good ramen, but not great...) and back to Blockheads Shavery to fill Amy's addiction.