Majed and Randa
Back to the Bay Area. Quick stop at home to say hello to the family and to the rabbits, then off to Majred and Randa's wedding!
Erik, Constant, and I, along with the rest of Erik's family, all went. It's rather amazing to think about, we've all grown up together and holy cow, Majed's actually married!
The ceremony was different and new to most of us, but it was actually pretty easy to appreciate in its simplicity. Mingled with some of Majed's friends and coworkers and family, ate some delicious food, celebrated the bride and groom, watched more than a few people leave early (often due to young kids being present), and in general had a good time.
Rashad's speech about watching over his little brother Majed was very touching, too. *grins*
Congratulations, Majed and Randa!