JPL Tweetup
The second NASA JPL tweetup, following the first #jpltweetup in 2009.
Unlike the first, the second was an involved all-day event doing a fairly comprehensive demonstration of NASA JPL's 2011 missions, including the Aquarius sensor due to launch in 3 days (June 9!), SOFIA, the Curiousity rover, and a host of additional projects. It was actually fairly impressive, even for a frequent JPL Open House visitor and space geek.
JPL's PR team, lead by Veronica, put on a great event, complete with an awesome group photo saying goodbye to the Spirit rover.
Met quite a crowd of people-- seemed more space-geek oriented than the first tweetup-- and then fled to Pasadena afterwards to Naga Naga Ramen for dinner and 21 Choices for dessert-- instead of opting to sit in rush-hour traffic.