Honey Pig
First: random photos of pay phones. These are a rarity!
Second: Honey Pig Korean BBQ. Decidedly non-standard kbbq with the kimchi being cooked on the grill. Yum!
Very tasty, although I confess the difference wasn't quite as big as I was expecting vs. conventional Korean BBQ. I could just be a luddite, though... or just a huge fan of eating lots of dead cow and dead pig so long as it's tasty, and this was definitely tasty.
Just make sure to wear clothes you're going to wash, 'cause grease is everywhere. It's a by-product of a tasty meal of pork belly, black pork belly, beef brisket, beef tongue, and spicy pork, but when even your water cup has a lay of grease on it-- call it something to be aware of!
The fried rice made on the grill at the end was unique and a nice touch, nevermind the columns of smoke and steam wafting up from grills all around us the whole night!