Mammoth (Jan11 Day 5)
Mammoth (Jan11 Day 4)
Mammoth (Jan11 Day 3)
Mammoth (Jan11 Day 2)
Mammoth (Jan11 Day 1)
Mammoth (Jan11 Day 3)
Mammoth (Jan11 Day 2)
Mammoth (Jan11 Day 1)
Mammoth (Apr10 Day 3)
Mammoth (Apr10 Day 2)
Mammoth (Apr10 Day 1)
Mammoth (Feb10 Day 4)
Mammoth (Feb10 Day 3)
Mammoth (Feb10 Day 2)
Mammoth (Feb10 Day 1)
Mammoth (Jan10 Day 2)
Mammoth (Jan10 Day 1)
Mammoth (Jan10 Day 4)
Mammoth (Jan10 Day 3)
Mammoth (Jan10 Day 2)
Mammoth (Jan10 Day 1)
Mammoth (Dec09 Day 3)
Mammoth (Dec09 Day 2)
Mammoth (Dec09 Day 1)
Mammoth (Pres Day 09)
Big Bear (Feb 09)
Mammoth (Pres Day 08)
Tahoe (Dec 08)
Big Bear (Mar 07)
Mammoth (Pres Day 07)
Mammoth (Feb 07)
Kirkwood (Dec 06)
Tahoe (Feb 06)
Sierra-at-Tahoe (Jan 06)
Big Bear (Dec 05)
Mammoth (Dec 05)
Mt. Baldy (Feb 05)
Mammoth (Feb 05)
Big Bear (Jan 05)
Mammoth: January 2011: Trip 2: Day 4
Bacon-grease-flavored fresh homemade hashbrowns, eggs, and more bacon for breakfast, then we did a few runs with the whole group around Canyon Express. t'was a good day for video footage.
Off to Cloud Nine Express next, where Daichi, Issei, Simon, Chris, and I spent most of our time running down Ricochet and the harder runs there. Ricochet previously was a disaster at the top, but new (to me) on this trip was that they had groomed Ricochet much closer to the top than previously before... making it much faster and easier. Woooooohoooo!
Yeah, then we had a few crashes. t'was a bit TOO fast, combined with some icy patches and some snowy patches..... Fortunately we just left awesome snow flurries behind... and yes, there is video somewhere
Simon and Chris raced down Goldhill, replicating Simon's previous day of butt-skiing in an impromptu race, to cap off the day (at least for me).
Pearl's beef stew finished the night, along with a few games of Pandemic, a roaring hot fire (finally! first two days we had crappy logs or something...), lots of movies (League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Chronicles of Riddick) and tons of s'mores.