Happy Cup/Ludo
Flying Pig, take 2
Manilla/Sky Gourmet
Vizzi Truck
Gourmet Genie
The Place LA
Phamish, take 2
Bool BBQ, take 2
Fish Happens
Kogi, take 4
Krazy BBQ/Canters
South Philly/FlyingPig
SMC Celebrate America
Komodo plus six
ESPN World Cup
Dumpling Station
Calbi & Border Grill
Yum Yum & Slice
Flying Pig
LA Smokehouse
India Jones
Phamish, take 1
Trucks galore, take 3
Kogi, take 3
Fishlips Sushi, take 2
Bool BBQ & Frysmith
Fishlips Sushi
Trucks galore, take 2
@ T-lofts
Trucks galore, take 1
Yum Yum Bowls
Kogi, take 2
Kogi, take 1
Leif's PhD potluck
Fresh from the last BECKS a few months ago, the RSS group (and friends) had another reason to celebrate: Leif-Eric had successfully defended his PhD, filed his disseration, and was at long last Doctor Easley!
Fresh as a new post-doc at Stanford, Leif and Eun-young made it back down to LA for a celebration potluck (and sort of Sophia and Justin's housewarming!) with everyone. Well almost everyone. A bit less than the full crew this time: Leif and Eun-young, Sophia and Justin, Grace and Kevin, Evelyn, plus, uh, oh yeah, me. Missing were Donna, Jirina, and I get the feeling at lot of others. Unfortunately or fortunately I'm one of the "other" so my memory is a bit foggy. :-/
In any case, it was great fun to catch up with everyone, and earlier worries about not enough food were completely unfounded!
(although my stop by the Phamish truck earlier for banh mi was definitely necessary! Finally tried their pho, too! It was expensive, but hot and tasty. Best if eaten immediately. And did I mention expensive? *sigh*)