Erik's visit, day 2
Langer's Deli for some awesome pastrami on rye. Soooo good. Then we ran a few miles around campus to see the new buildings and burn off some of the fat.
Constant made it up from Long Beach afterwards, we promptly hit Versailles for dinner. The garlic chicken is always incredibly good, the sauteed lamb surprised us by being excellent, and the ox tail, holy crap, that was AWESOME.
Bar hopping afterwards: Saints and Sinners, The Daily Pint, Copa d Oro, and Barney's Beanery.
Saints and Sinners is always a fun place to hang out, while The Daily Pint impressed with its modest-but-excellent beer selection and the longest list of scotch I've seen at a "dive" bar. Just slightly deficient on cute girls and man, for a "dive" bar it wasn't cheap. (it was worth it, tho) Copa d Oro was much more trendy and upscale, unfortunately it was also an elbow-to-elbow sauna inside, so we bounced and went to Barney's Beanery instead to relax.
Definitely a good night. Even had a very odd (memorable?) sighting at Barney's involving a steak...