Malibu Creek take 4
Stoney Point take 12
Stoney Point take 11
Bishop, take 1
Stoney Point take 10
Echo Cliffs, take 4
Dangling Bruin
Echo Cliffs take 3
Malibu Creek take 3
Malibu Creek take 2
MST take 1
Stoney Point take 9
New York: The Gunks
Stoney Point take 8
Echo Cliffs take 2
Tick Rock take 2
Malibu Creek take 1
Stoney Point take 7
Stoney Point take 6
Tick Rock take 1
Stoney Point w/Joe
Echo Cliffs
Indoors at UCLA
Stoney Point take 4
Stoney Point take 3
Point Dume
Stoney Point take 2
Stoney Point take 1
Echo Cliffs + Corner Place
Sport climbing at Echo Cliffs. Tackled 5.7, 5.8, 5.9, and 5.10b, aka Xanadu, Gameboy, Miss Pacman, and Lowrider. Lowrider might actually be a 10a instead, but the guidebook says 10b.
Got off to a late start, an hour to hike in, and found much of the Grotto closed for habitat protection. Still, we did Xanadu as our usual warm-up, then after some other climbers moved off Lowrider, we flailed on that for a while. The middle (around the 2nd bolt) was too reachy for Sophia, but Michael is taller and made it up, I then surprised myself and was able to follow him up on toprope. I think I was totally off route past the 2nd bolt, as I grabbed onto the arete on the right, but I made it!
Finished off the day with Gameboy and Miss Pacman, two old standards that are a lot of fun. I think we actualy find Gameboy (5.8) harder than Miss Pacman (5.9), probably 'cause the crux is lower and less balanced.
50 minutes to hike out, then off to Corner Place for Korean cold noodles for lunch. Michael didn't think it was authentic, but it was still sufficiently tasty that Sophia finished off her bowl in SIX MINUTES. They do BBQ there too, but we did not indulge in that... this time. We walked to La Plancha afterwards for pupusas to finish off the meal. Nom.