Constant's Birthday + stuff
First stop of the day was the LA Marathon expo to pick up my race packet. Ended up running a little late so I skipped most of the expo itself and headed down to meet up with Sophia, Alicia, and Manny at Original Pantry Cafe. It was pretty darned good, although I think most of that was being hungry + HUGE portions + good prices. If you want an amazing-quality breakfast, there are much, much better places. And the quality was decent enough.
Next stop was the California Science Center to see Hubble 3D on the IMAX there. If you want an incredible 3D movie experience, or have been disappointed by every 3D movie so far, go see this one. It's that good. Things like starfields lend themselves very well to 3D. (if you're Lilia or someone else whose brain just can't process simulated 3D then skip it. =P ).
Finally, finished the day with Merkato Ethiopian Cusine for Constant's big 3-0. Considering that guy lives locally, I still never see him. Oops! Maybe we should fix that some day-- but clearly not today. There was a comedy club and clubbing planned afterwards, and I couldn't make either because I had to run a race the next day! *sigh* Happy Birthday, Constant!