Halloween at That 70's House, hosted by Cheston and Angie.
The effort put into the picture background was a nice touch... and Cheston's costume this year topped 'em all: an Imperial Walker. AT-ST variety. Prizes for best costume, best couple, and best female were also given... plus there was a birthday cake as it was Cheston and Angie's birthday, and as usual, a buttload of alcohol.
Tons of people showed, including quite a few coworkers of Cheston's and Angie's that I didn't know. More familiar names included: Cheston and Angie, Billy and Amy, Steve, Simon, Danni, Barry and Kim, Victor, Howard, June, Eric and Fung, Liang and Dian, Farhana, etc.
One thing we did miss this year was a pinata, although since I missed last year's party, I don't know if I'm just behind the times or not. :-)