First set of pictures
Out of my new Panasonic DMC-LX3, that is.
Shooting a group lunch at work (Lucas' going-away lunch, actually) provided a good opportunity to take advantage of the 24mm equivalent, f/2 wide angle on the lens, while being indoors meant that usable ISO400 was useful too. It's a nice upgrade for my now-departed Panasonic DMC-FZ5 (46,000+ pics, it served me well!) which offered only a 36mm equivalent f/2.8 wide angle and usable ISO only up to 200. I do miss the long zoom of the FZ-series cameras, though the low-light potential of the LX3 more than makes up for it in my typical use.
Pictures are some macro test shots, Lucas' going-away dinner, Noodle Planet in Westwood (sizeable spring rolls. Too bad the price matched the size), and then some outdoor shots, including one that was taken at the same place as on the FZ5, showing the difference in the cameras' wide-angle.
Preliminary report on the LX3 is pretty positive, at least for the typical work I expect to use it for. Peformance is just fast enough to be a pleasure to use, about the only hangup is that it's just slow enough to notice in some areas like file writes. It doesn't actually hurt performance when taking pictures, you just notice the write activity cursor blinking a good second longer than on most other cameras.