China 2008: Day 7: North Kowloon
Into north Kowloon after dim sum for breakfast. People don't hit dim sum til much later than we do in the USA; at 10am or so we were among the first people there. It was delicious, but without pictures, ordering was difficult. The staff did help quite a bit, and since Cantonese is the language in Hong Kong, Diana and I were much better off!
Visited some temples and parks in North Kowloon. The subway is cheap and surprisingly easy to get around in, and goes tons of places-- if you have the change to pay for fare, or figure out how to get a day pass. We ended up being very careful we had change around, which wasn't too hard in the end-- and with coins going up to HKD10 (US$1.23), it's not like we needed a whole mess of change, either.
(park/temple info here... not on the map I have at work. doh!)
We took the time to explore the malls that seem to be on top of every subway station, too. A short stop at the first one, then a much longer stop at the second for lunch and to do some serious exploring. Diana's obsession for pictures with telephone booths continued, and we found a movie theater with select-a-seat options. Bizarre. We kept going, though, since movies aren't exactly why we came to China!
Headed down to Lan Kwai Fong that night to party. Found a bar with all-you-can-drink house drinks til midnight. Fun, but not much of a dance floor, and found out that guys in HK are aggressive. I'm not sure such behaviour caught all of the foreigners by surprise, but it caught both Diana and I by surprise. Lan Kwai Fong was also packed with foreigners, and English was the de facto languge-- quite a change from the rest of the trip.
The even bigger surprise was the fight breaking out in the middle of the club. It was cleaned up pretty quickly, but we're both used to San Francisco and Los Angeles clubbing where things shut down at 2am, so we declined the offer of some of the locals to show us some more clubs because we were beat. (sad, I know...)