Bej's Birthday
Happy Birthday, Bej!
Picked up Maria (visiting from NY!) first, then off to meet up with Sophia, Justin, and Carley. Dinner at a place only a block from Orchid Lounge, next to Cafe Nandrang-- only I can't remember the name...
Then we met up with the rest of the group for drinks at Orchid Lounge in k-town, including Everclear for Bej. Fun, although some of us missed the karaoke at the end of the night... =(
Everyone showed-- well almost everyone. Aside from Sophia, Justin, Carley, and Maria... Erik & Mary, Heather, Tara, Joycelyn and her friend, Mike, Chris, Kevin & Grace, plus some others whose names I have forgotten (Henry, I think?)... very nice turn out. Orchid Lounge was also rather empty for a Friday night, so our group was able to hijack an appropriately large number of chairs and tables to spread out and drink soju. We didn't go too crazy, but who knows-- maybe things did at the end of the night in the karaoke room upstairs? And, yes, we played with the glowsticks they dropped in the soju carafes. =P The nachos were tasty, too!