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End of First Week, Spring 2003 Last quarter as an undergrad at UCLA... *sniffle* Naturally partying during the first few weeks of the quarter is now mandatory-- because when else am I going to be able to party without having to worry about homework and projects? This is the time! Friday night and Sunday night are actually shown here... the first 8 pictures are from Friday, the remainder from Sunday. Friday: Turns out Barry was drunk and passing out, not just nicely toasted. I felt sick, puked real fast (reminder to self: EAT before drinking) in the toilet, then sat down and kept drinking. haha. I know. Not very bright. Saturday: Footlocker's 30% off sale was that weekend... hit Century City, Beverly Center, and Third Street Promenade all in the same day! That's a lot of shopping and is definitely not recommended in my book. It was a pretty productive trip, though! Barry and I unfortunately got dragged shoe shopping during part of the trip, but we discovered that BCBG's nicer stores (e.g. Century City) have food for customers. We snacked and munched on strawberries, crackers, cheese, grapes, and bottled water while Nicole tried on shoes. Needless to say we were pretty compliant at the time, although constantly stuffing our faces seemed to embarass Nicole. Sunday: