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Pre-Finals Party, Winter 2002
Plus CSCC Solo II Auto-X School the next day...

Yep, Sophia/Carley/Grace's 10th-week Pre-Finals party happened again!

No crazy over-abundance of food like last time, but heck it didn't matter that much! Things ended pretty early though, I left before midnight to go home and rest for my auto-x school the next morning at Hollywood Park- and I was one of the last few people to leave the party!

Lots of pictures, a strange Dreamcast video game involving typing to kill monsters (WEIRD!), watching UCLA basketball... all in all, pretty relaxed considering the impending doom of finals!

Next morning, bright and early (8:30am!) I was at Hollywood Park in Inglewood for Cal Club's Solo II Auto-X school, hoping to get in a couple hours of driving time and instruction on learning how to drive my car well... instead of like a monkey. =) Worked out pretty well... little auto-x courses (2 of 'em), slalom, tight kidney-shaped course, skidpad... 4 groups, 4 course groups, about an hour of time per group... TONS OF FUN! Well worth the $50.

My group had a BMW 330Ci, a turbo'ed Subaru Impreza 2.5RS (DROOL! Hello Vishnu Performance!), a WRX wagon, an Integra Type R, a CRX, two Audi A4's, a Celica GT-S, and my boring family sedan. Turns out with just a rear sway bar, I can lift the inside rear wheel about 4" in a hard turn. =)

Gotta do that again... =) That is, the 10th week party AND autocross school... =)

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