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November 29, 2004
I'm a sucker
... and that's only one of those things, too. Damnit. Life would be easier, not to mention cheaper, if I wasn't such a sucker sometimes. =P
Posted by brian at 12:16 AM | Comments (0)
November 26, 2004
Happy Thanksgiving!
Don't eat too much...
Stuffing cooked in the turkey is delicious!
Posted by brian at 01:09 AM | Comments (0)
November 24, 2004
Thomas' Birthday
Thomas and Umi's birthday pictures are up. I think they partied after dinner too, but I missed that. Little things like "work" and "long drive home"... oh well! Hope it was fun!
BTW I'm surprised I remember so many names from so many people I'd met only once or twice previously. And that "once or twice previously" everyone was drunk both times... =P
Posted by brian at 11:57 AM | Comments (0)
November 15, 2004
Cheston and Kim's birthday pictures
Right here. 'nuff said.
Posted by brian at 03:26 PM | Comments (0)
.gov news...
Last X-43A Launch is today. I've heard NASA is ending the X-43A program in order to focus more on the president's goal of making it back to the Moon and then to Mars. Sounds like a good idea in theory, but given the current technological limitations of the existing programs... ending our major hypersonic engine research program doesn't seem like the best way to do this. Heck, we don't even have a viable shuttle replacement past the conceptual stage yet.
4 more members of Bush Cabinet resign. So much for a boring non-transition-transition from Bush's first term to his second term. All of these in addition to Ashcroft and others. What does it mean... I don't know, although I suspect it means more of the same from Bush, just with new mouths. I study my own bit of politics, but I leave stuff like this up to Erik, Dave, Pearl, and others who are much more intensely political.
Finally, yes, I do have one more photo gallery that needs to go up. I'm working on it...
Posted by brian at 09:57 AM | Comments (0)
November 14, 2004
Weekend pictures.
Not very many this weekend, so that helps. Last weekend's pictures still need to be uploaded. Sigh.
Saturday was an Ars meet at the Getty museum of art. Hagbeard's pictures, Wunderhund's pictures, my pictures.
I left out pictures of my friends from the Ars thread, since they weren't relevant. Say hi to Alex and Dave who were also at the Getty.
After hanging around with my fellow Ars'ers all afternoon, we met up with Jason, Barry, Kim, and Walter and headed over to Intercrew in Koreatown to drink. Jason just finished his Chiropractic board exams and needed to get trashed. Pic 1 and Pic 2 are it though-- it was dark there, and being a non-Korean group we decided not to annoy the other customers. =)
Posted by brian at 08:09 PM | Comments (0)
November 12, 2004
Music... won't... stop...
I've been singing Postal Service lyrics in my head for the last three days, and it won't stop. Augh!
Maybe when the new U2 album, How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb, is released this month, that'll cure me of Postal Service... heh heh heh. =)
Smeared black ink... your palms are sweaty
And i'm barely listening to last demands
I'm staring at the asphalt wondering what's buried underneath where i am
I'll wear my badge... a vinyl sticker with big block letters adherent to my chest
That tells your new friends i am a visitor here...
I am not permanent
And the only thing keeping me dry is where i am
You seem so out of context in this gaudy apartment complex
A stranger with your door key explaining that i am just visiting
And i am finally seeing why i was the one worth leaving
- the district sleeps alone tonight by postal service
Posted by brian at 12:06 PM | Comments (0)
November 11, 2004
Halloween and Election night
Halloween was fun. I was just too tired to take advantage of it!
Election night was... well, yeah. As disappointing as it was for the party, I think most realized that "anti-Bush" was basically how the Democrats shot themselves in the foot.
Posted by brian at 04:20 PM | Comments (0)
November 07, 2004
The Postal Service figures it out
The Postal Service delivers, and now rocks
(see NYTimes as well).
The USPS has finally ended its trademark infringement with the indie group we all love around here, Postal Service. The agreement looks to benefit everyone. WOOHOO! And damnit, while I like Death Cab for Cutie... I just happen to like Postal Service more. Now I can get more. Please? Pretty please? My Give Up, The District Sleeps Alone Tonight, and Such Great Heights CDs need some new company!
Posted by brian at 03:49 AM | Comments (0)
It's games like this that make me very sad.
Posted by brian at 03:42 AM | Comments (0)
November 03, 2004
Auto Show pictures
Actually lots more than that.
Billy's Birthday and the UCLA vs. ASU game.
Toyota Put It In Play event at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena. Think of it as a ride and drive event, but like a circus!
California International Auto Show pictures and writeup. A very long writeup, actually. This was the first time I'd help work an auto show or ride and drive, so I was... uh... verbose. =P
Posted by brian at 11:24 PM | Comments (0)
November 02, 2004
Go vote.
For those of us in the USA, today's election day. Regardless of your political affiliations, they don't mean a thing if you don't get out there and get your ballot in. GO VOTE.
(regular non-political stuff follows: Party tonight down in K-town to watch the election, pictures from this weekend and 2 previous weekends should be up ASAP, and my buddy greatoz is headed for Iraq soon, we're having a going-away party soon, time/date/location TBD...)
Posted by brian at 09:56 AM | Comments (0)
November 01, 2004
California International Auto Show
As Pearl duly noted on her website, the California International Auto Show finished this weekend in Anahiem.
And Pearl worked her butt off. I'll tell the whole story later (very soon, I hope), or maybe Jenn will... in the meantime I'm going to find some sleep 'cause none of the three of us got much of that this weekend. Neither did quite a few of Pearl's coworkers over at Jackson-Dawson.
Special thanks to Jackson-Dawson for running the show promotions, to GM R*Works for getting their end together so quickly, to Jenn, Claudia, Bob, and the other JD employees and JD contractors (contractors: such as myself) for working together so well.
Yeah, I could complain about the crap that went wrong and the b*tching I absorbed from our GM R*Works manager, but hell, I'm working management now too, I understand the stress. And I appreciate the hard work. Now, Elizabeth from GM R*Works, could I please have some of those strips of skin from my body back? Don't take it out on the hired help, please. *winces*
An inkling to the weekend:
Expecting to work 11 hours on Saturday, go out to play a little, go home and sleep, then work another 11 hours on Sunday.
Reality was that I worked 11 hours on Saturday, Jackson-Dawson put me up in a hotel with the rest of their (real) employees that night so we could do some more work, Jer came down... and the three of us worked all day Sunday, too.
Posted by brian at 12:59 AM | Comments (0)
What a long weekend. Pretty good one, but long and just too crazy in the wrong ways at times...
And to the spammers who hit me with over 500 pieces of junk this weekend on my website alone, don't you have something better to do? I'd ask you to all burn in hell, but that might offend religious types.
Posted by brian at 12:48 AM | Comments (0)