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July 31, 2001
It's time. Area:One.
It's time. Area:One.
Posted by brian at 03:38 PM | Comments (0)
Area:One is tomorrow!!! Gotta go
Area:One is tomorrow!!! Gotta go to bed though, so I can survive class and stuff first! =)
Posted by brian at 01:32 AM | Comments (0)
July 30, 2001
Friggin' IT sucks. Policy is
Friggin' IT sucks. Policy is for passwords to be changed every xx days. Today is xx days and I find myself locked out of e-mail and the internal homepage. Why? Because I need to change my password. But what the hell happened to the 5 day (or even 3 day? or 1 day?) advance warning that my password is expiring??? ARGH! Then again I suspect it's because only my primary machine is on the domain, my others aren't... if I don't reboot the primary machine to relogon I don't get warning. Ugh.
Posted by brian at 04:56 PM | Comments (0)
When you pack a snack
When you pack a snack for work, then forget it on the counter as you leave for work... well... it's just really irritating. I'm gonna have some leftover macroni salad for the garbage can (instead of my stomach) when I get home in 4 or 5 hours. *sigh* Today started out good, but I had too much to do before I left work, resulting in things being left behind. At least I can look forward to tomorrow, right?
Posted by brian at 03:06 PM | Comments (0)
July 29, 2001
Just got back an hour
Just got back an hour or so ago from visiting relatives. The house is so empty right now... hmmm maybe I should throw a party. heh heh. And I have both the 3.2TL and the Maxima at home right now, so should I decide to go out, I can take either the Honda or the Nissan. Choices, choices! I could get used to this! =) Looking forward to Area:One on Tuesday as well.
Posted by brian at 06:57 PM | Comments (0)
July 28, 2001
The TL had a flat
The TL had a flat tire today... trip to visit relatives has been delayed a little since my dad was getting it fixed. Or of course we could take my car... Hmm. I had better go grab lunch and find someone to go see Area:One with.
Posted by brian at 02:20 PM | Comments (0)
Heading out to visit relatives
Heading out to visit relatives in a few hours. Maybe I'll post pics from tonight, but it wasn't all that interesting... and I'm wondering why some of my friends have cell phones, if they don't answer them! Silly people! =) Hope the East Coast Maxima.org guys are having fun though, since Maxus 2001 is this weekend and all.
Posted by brian at 03:51 AM | Comments (0)
July 27, 2001
Cleaned up an old Compaq
Cleaned up an old Compaq keyboard... it's still drying out though... and the broken spacebar is REALLY starting to piss me off!!!!
Maxus 2001 is this weekend! I can't go, but I trust it will be lots of fun!! Cheston should be reporting back to all of his west-coast brethen about it soon!
Posted by brian at 04:52 PM | Comments (0)
Random crap: Trying to make
Random crap:
Trying to make plans to see Planet of the Apes tonight. As I work less than 1000feet from AMC 20 it would be nice and convenient for us to go. Pete, Erik, and I are definitely going... not sure about who else. Maybe Majed, Amanda, Beth, and others? I have no idea. Sprint's voicemail is off-line right now so I can't voicemail some people about possible plans for tonight. Yesterday I also got my Area:One tickets from UPS. Woohooo!!!!
Also, the spacebar on my keyboard at work has crapped out. I have to hammer the button for it to work, which sucks. This post should have taken 2 minutes or less to think up and write, instead it's an exercise in fusteration. (sp?) Time to go scrounge a new keyboard...
Posted by brian at 03:47 PM | Comments (0)
Went out tonight... sorta. Explored
Went out tonight... sorta. Explored downtown San Jose with Erik in a quest to map out (mentally, anyway) where the bars and stuff are, now that we're of age. =) Nothing else really interesting at the moment.
Posted by brian at 01:56 AM | Comments (0)
July 26, 2001
Nevermind, studying didn't go as
Nevermind, studying didn't go as well as I thought. Cross-elasticity and aggregrate supply/demand screwed me up. *sigh* Still have an A in the class though, which is the important party. I'm just being paranoid, I guess... I'm taking GE's for a GPA boost, so I need those A's!
I still don't know who she is, except that Aaron knows here and said that she has a kick butt site, and she does. joopy.nu must have a pretty popular site too, 'cause she says in her blog that she's only got 2GB/month for bandwidth and that she's projected to hit 8.4GB this month, at $15/GB additional. Ouch! Maybe I should talk to my host, thewebhost.net and see how much bandwidth I'm using a month. I don't think I am nearly as popular as joopy.nu, but I've never even bothered to check! Supposedly I've got unlimited bandwidth on my deluxe account, but I know unlimited does have a limit somewhere. Is it 3GB? 5GB? 10GB? Hmmm...
Posted by brian at 03:58 PM | Comments (0)
July 25, 2001
Just bought two tickets for
Just bought two tickets for Area:One this Tuesday at Shoreline. Now I need to find someone to go with. ARGH! Studying goes well though... :-)
Posted by brian at 12:53 AM | Comments (0)
July 24, 2001
Woah. Downloading pics and e-mail
Woah. Downloading pics and e-mail took longer than I thought. Fun at Sears Point, I guess some of SE-R guys decided to go... also, I'm at 8,500+ pictures from my digital camera. I know I've got a few on-line... but not even close to a tiny fraction of that many. Yikes.
Posted by brian at 11:41 PM | Comments (0)
Got some new toys today.
Got some new toys today. Plus more relatives over... at the rate we're going half the family will be over by the weekend... and the driveway is already full! ARGH!! Time to go study while listening to ** pauses as winamp skips tracks ** Pet Shop Boys - I wouldn't normally do this kind of thing.
Posted by brian at 11:28 PM | Comments (0)
July 23, 2001
Be careful with forks. (fortunately
Be careful with forks.
(fortunately the bleeding was minimal, but it is under the nail and all... ewww...)
Posted by brian at 11:27 PM | Comments (0)
New Order is touring with
New Order is touring with Moby at Area:One Festival... I didn't buy tickets because I didn't have anyone to go with... but the show is July 31st at Shoreline... and now I want to go! Argh! Gotta find someone to go with!!! ... oh yeah, watched Coyote Ugly last night. Far less entertaining than I thought it would be. Ugh. Still need to go see Shrek and Final Fantasy- yes, still...
Posted by brian at 03:36 PM | Comments (0)
July 22, 2001
Cousins have invaded my house.
Cousins have invaded my house. HELP!!! I can't keep up with a rampaging 3 year old! At least the older ones can entertain themselves..
Posted by brian at 05:27 PM | Comments (0)
Northern California Ars Technica Meet
Northern California Ars Technica Meet went well today. About 15 people showed up, would have been closer to 20 but the usual curse struck us again: we chose a park that was really big and our sign was very, very small! I think Coyote Point had 5 or more picnic areas, widely separated. Oops!
Relatives visiting as well. :-) Also, went out tonight with Barry, Eileen and Huong. Three of us were scrubs, one wasn't. :-p (sorry Huong! Yes, you looked good, and yes, it was the heels, probably. =) ) Had coffee and then pho-- I had no idea you could get pho 24 hours a day.
Posted by brian at 02:40 AM | Comments (0)
July 21, 2001
Northern California Ars Technica Users'
Northern California Ars Technica Users' meet. 12 noon @ Coyote Point. Ars'ers, be there!
Also, archives of my log available here.
Posted by brian at 01:11 AM | Comments (0)
July 20, 2001
Swapped the worn hood struts
Swapped the worn hood struts out of the Maxima with "Strong Arm" brand part 4524. $16 each vs. $60+ for the Nissan ones. Took.. umm... under 15 minutes. Easy. 12mm wrench removes the old struts, 13mm wrench (actually I think a 1/2" would be better) to install the new ball joints, then snap the new hood struts on. Easy!
Posted by brian at 10:20 PM | Comments (1)
Waiting for Majed to call,
Waiting for Majed to call, or for Barry to show up... I hate waiting. Then again, I was able to wash my car and stuff, which is cool. And then there's the BBQ tomorrow at noon. Hmm, maybe staying home wasn't such a bad idea after all...
Posted by brian at 09:46 PM | Comments (0)
Well... not sure about tomorrow.
Well... not sure about tomorrow. Party plan appears to be in trouble, relatives coming over, some other stuff. Just ran into my friend Pearl tonight. Crazy story, don't ask about it right now, too weird! I'll worry about tomorrow (well today) after I get up in the morning, but actually I'm not worried about it. Playing things by ear seems to be the way it goes lately, and lately that's been pretty good.
Posted by brian at 01:07 AM | Comments (0)
July 18, 2001
Pictures? You want pictures?!?! Head
Pictures? You want pictures?!?! Head to the gallery!!!!!!
Posted by brian at 12:05 AM | Comments (0)
July 17, 2001
Resizing and editing pictures... hopefully
Resizing and editing pictures... hopefully a bunch of stuff will go up tonight. We'll see. Three more birthday party picture sets is the plan. Also, this weekend looks busy too. Not three straight nights of partying, but fun enough. Finally saw Savvas on Sunday night for the first time in a few long months (years????) too. He's been studying for MCAT, ouch...
Posted by brian at 10:32 PM | Comments (0)
Audiworld.com Forums: New A4 ----
Audiworld.com Forums: New A4 ---- all I can say is WOW, what a beauty. Not sexy like the Porsche 911 GT2, but still a looker. Let's hope the S4 version has as much or more kick as the current version, and that the 1.8T gets some more horses 'cause even boring old Acura 3.2CL-S's have 260hp now...
Posted by brian at 09:57 PM | Comments (1)
July 16, 2001
Majed's birthday dinner last night.
Majed's birthday dinner last night. More on that later, since I'm tired. On the way home around 1am, Erik and I were coming down 880 south in Oakland. It's a raised freeway section, elevation changes, pretty dangerous stretch of freeway. There's a Camaro pointed the wrong way in one of the right hand lanes, it's missing a wheel-- it's sitting on the ground on one side, looks like at least two tires are blown. Car looks pretty trashed. In the far left lane there's a plastic bumper or something from a Mustang along with some other debris, and on the opposite side of the freeway, a while Mustang has its drivers side crunched up neatly against the center divider. It was crazy sh*t... I don't know what the heck happened exactly, but Erik and I think it's possible the Camaro somehow jumped the center divide and crashed or something. **eek** Scary stuff. F'ing crazy.
Posted by brian at 03:16 AM | Comments (0)
July 15, 2001
Partied again at Patrick's place
Partied again at Patrick's place last night. BBQ at Barry's, then the drinking and stuff at Patrick's. I still need to teach that boy how to BBQ properly... but then again neither Erik nor I was doing too much better yesterday. :-þ Unlike last weekend we actually had a decent male:female ratio going this time too, so it was good. Very good. Now only if those bastards would pay me back for all the alcohol I keep buying for them... hmm, I think I'm being taken advantage of here. I think they need to hook it up in return or something. Or... hmm... nah, they just need to pay me back. I've got 109 pictures I can post on the web that doubtless some people don't want posted on the web...
Posted by brian at 02:18 PM | Comments (0)
July 14, 2001
German guys can hang with
German guys can hang with beer, but vodka doesn't do them any favors. Digital camera was left at Erik's house though... doh. Also, have to wash Erik's Saturn tomorrow, I guess Barry and I will wash our cars too for good measure for the BBQ tomorrow night.
Posted by brian at 04:02 AM | Comments (0)
July 12, 2001
Just kidding. It would appear
Just kidding. It would appear that 12.90 drivers from nVidia are pieces of crap- cut my 3DMark2000 performance a couple hundred points and for good measure decided not to save my adapter refresh rates. I'll go back to 11.xx or 10.80's...
Posted by brian at 11:55 PM | Comments (0)
Not going to go get
Not going to go get coffee tonight... too tired, and it's too late. Making plans to go see Final Fantasy tomorrow night, not sure who's going to go... but we shall figure it out. Also, got my video card back so I'm back up to two machines capable of serious video gaming- my P3-650E@1001 and my P3-700@933. Just need to update my website to reflect the changes. Have family friends visiting tomorrow for dinner... so that will complicate the movie thing. Will figure it out later, as always.
Posted by brian at 10:06 PM | Comments (0)
Just found out that the
Just found out that the TDK "Certified Plus" CDs Barry and I bought at Fry's this weekend aren't the high quality ones (which "Certified Plus" traditionally means) from TDK's own factory. Instead these are made by RiTeK, who is known as one of the largest factories that turns out low grade CD-R's. On the upside, the stock made-by-Clarion deck in the Maxima actually seems to read these. So in the meantime, that'll do until I can afford a new deck (have to worry about some minor repairs first for wear and tear on the car, no big deal).
Posted by brian at 08:52 PM | Comments (0)
July 09, 2001
Check the Gallery for pictures.
Check the Gallery for pictures. I'm going to bed in an attempt to break my 3am bedtime habit.
Posted by brian at 01:13 AM | Comments (0)
July 08, 2001
The spate of summer birthdays
The spate of summer birthdays continues this weekend. Pictures soon, I hope...
Posted by brian at 06:08 PM | Comments (0)
July 06, 2001
I need to stop going
I need to stop going to bed so late. Got caught up in some on-line trading I'm doing (as usual), plus downloading pictures from my digital camera. That reminds me, I need to upload a couple sets to my website, and to figure out who's going to see Kiss of the Dragon tomorrow. It looks good- or at least tons of fun- unlike Crazy/Beautiful. Also waiting for Final Fantasy, Lord of the Rings, and Rush Hour 2. And I still need to go see Shrek, The Fast and the Furious, Momento, and a bunch of other movies. I'm so behind with my social life! Maybe I should just see a movie every day this entire weekend... it'd be cheaper than clubbing!
Posted by brian at 01:59 AM | Comments (0)
July 05, 2001
Two other notes before bedtime.
Two other notes before bedtime. Saw Crazy/Beautiful yesterday... umm... it's a generic chick flick. Ugh, it was bad-- not awful, but such a canned storyline that you've seen a million other times-- ack! Also, I filled up yesterday after driving home from work, then grabbed ice cream and coffee that night. Somehow by tonight I had driven more than 120 miles... going out today and then chauffering my sister and her friends back home. Geez, that's a lot of driving! I need to start charging 'cause at $1.99 a gallon for unleaded premium, driving around is getting expensive!
Posted by brian at 02:32 AM | Comments (0)
4th of July was fun.
4th of July was fun. Not spectacular, but pretty good considering I didn't actually plan anything myself or invite any friends over. Erik, Barry, and Amanda showed up though. Pictures later, must go to bed!
Posted by brian at 02:01 AM | Comments (0)
July 03, 2001
I'm going to melt. At
I'm going to melt. At 10am I think a thermometer at a bank already said 90F, and right now in my room it's more than 90F... actually I think I'll head out to some place cooler, although I also want to stay home for dinner. Stay home and sweat, or go out...
Posted by brian at 07:07 PM | Comments (0)
July 02, 2001
Oh yeah, Harris Ranch is
Oh yeah, Harris Ranch is good. Not super good, but good! Ribeye steak, yummy... turned a 5 hour trip into a 7 hour trip, though. Left at ~3:35pm, arrived home at ~10:30pm.
Posted by brian at 02:10 AM | Comments (0)
Just got back from a
Just got back from a quick 2 day trip to LA... ugh... tiring! It was fun though!
Posted by brian at 12:40 AM | Comments (0)