May 28, 2001
I need to stop going
I need to stop going to bed later than 1am. Hah! Riiiiiiiiiight. Good news for the day is that my US Robotics 56k USB modem finally works in USB modem. Of course I don't actually use it anymore, but what the heck.
Posted by brian at 01:52 AM | Comments (0)
May 24, 2001
Star Trek: Voyager ended tonight.
Star Trek: Voyager
Posted by brian at 03:19 AM | Comments (0)
May 22, 2001
Upper radiator hose on my
Upper radiator hose on my car finally sprung a real leak today. Good thing I already have replacement parts, bad thing is that I have to replace it (which involves flushing the radiator) tomorrow. Not my idea of fun... finally installed DirectX 8.0a and 3DMark2000 on my P3-700@933 box, 6147 3DMarks. A little low, but not bad for Windows 2000 from my experience.
Posted by brian at 01:38 AM | Comments (0)
May 19, 2001
First and foremost, Happy Belated
First and foremost, Happy Belated Birthday Alex! Sorry everyone seems to have forgotten you! :-(
I still need to figure out blogger archives, but I guess I'll do that later. My P3-700 needs 1.80v to do 933mhz stable, but it looks rock-stable so far and actually survived an hour of Counter-Strike at 1.75v- I just had glitches after I had quit CS. I'm wondering how much father I can push it, as temps aren't a problem. I've been going to bed way too late this entire week, so off to bed for me.
Posted by brian at 02:05 AM | Comments (0)
May 15, 2001
One midterm down- my take
One midterm down- my take home history midterm- and one to go on Wednesday. Ugh. I'm spending tomorrow studying, running errands, studying, tearing down my dual Celeron box and replacing it with my P3-700, and studying. My P3-700 will POST at 933mhz and up to 980mhz, but as I didn't have a harddisk connected I couldn't actually test it. I will in a few hours, though... Did I mention I was going to study tomorrow?
Posted by brian at 02:23 AM | Comments (0)
May 13, 2001
I'm stuck here doing midterms
I'm stuck here doing midterms and desperately wanting to play with my replacement P3-700. Soon, I hope... maybe I'll even get some of those computer hardware reviews up in the next week that I've been meaning to do.
Posted by brian at 10:07 PM | Comments (0)
May 06, 2001
Depeche Mode August 15th- Do
Depeche Mode August 15th- Do you want to see insane? The August 14th show sold out within 20 minutes... the August 15th show, less than 11 hours after it was opened, has only single tickets left! Oh well... Thomas and I have pretty good tickets to the 2nd show on the 15th! Actually I suspect he has kick*ss ones because he found out about the 2nd show faster!
Posted by brian at 11:17 PM | Comments (0)
Cursed new P3-750 won't POST
Cursed new P3-750 won't POST beyond 900mhz or so... damnit! Looks like it's going to get returned and I'll pick up another chip. Maybe a P3-700 this time... and I really should be studying, not fussing over my PC. Oh well-- I haven't taken anything apart yet, that'll be postponed until after midterms...
Posted by brian at 12:33 AM
May 05, 2001
I still need to mess
I still need to mess with archives, but I think I'm going to go to bed instead. I've just sold my Abit BP6, Dual Celerons, and heatsink/fans and with a new Asus CUSL2-C courtesy of the Tarrbot, I will be building another P3 box. I'm hoping to get a 750 to 1ghz, if not I'll try a 700 or a different 750mhz chip shooting for 1ghz... Of course, this means reformatting and reinstalling Windows which is gonna suck. Oh well. It's worth it, I think! Well, it's worth a couple hours of my time. Beyond that I'm going to need to be doing homework and studying!!
Posted by brian at 12:40 AM | Comments (0)
Date change. Let's see what
Date change. Let's see what this looks like!
Posted by brian at 12:01 AM | Comments (1)
May 04, 2001
Another news post, just to
Another news post, just to see how this feels...
Posted by brian at 11:49 PM | Comments (0)
Alright. Now we're getting somewhere.
Alright. Now we're getting somewhere. I'm not comfortable with the fact that Blogger hijacks my index page and makes me upload it through their server, but it's basically still under my control, as far as the template is anyway. Who knows. I still need to figure out archives and stuff too. Blogger can do daily, weekly, or monthly archives. I'm thinking a bi-weekly option is missing. Ah well, this will do until I figure out MySQL...
Posted by brian at 11:41 PM | Comments (0)
Old news posts... before blogger.
Old news posts... before blogger.
More pictures up.
April 16, 2001: Check the gallery for new pictures of Helma's cat, Isabel. I understand those who love their pets, but I don't understand those who let their pets become their new master. **ducks!!** hah!
March 24 (edited): I found out today that my neighbor who's my age was killed in a car accident 3 days ago. *sigh* I'm used to the concept of death now, but I will never like it. Farewell, Charles Wheeler.
December 2, 2000: Welcome to, my new domain for all things related to me and my previous site, Due to the impending closure of Dreamhaven/Dragonfire I was forced in late November to find a new web/ftp/e-mail host. I have since taken the opportunity to do a redesign of my site, eliminating frames and hoping to refine the graphical look of the site.
Posted by brian at 11:30 PM | Comments (0)
Second test post. Hopefully this
Second test post. Hopefully this thing will work. Talking to Aaron right now, trying to get this working.
Posted by brian at 11:04 PM | Comments (0)
Thanks to Aaron, I've decided
Thanks to Aaron, I've decided to set up Blogger on my site... thus turning my front page from an "updates" page into a daily news and rambling page. Actual website updates will still be retained in the What's New section.
Posted by brian at 10:54 PM | Comments (0)