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March 27, 2004


lunch group thumbnailDin Tai Fung in Arcadia.

VERY YUMMY dumplings. I just wish I had eaten more! And tried the rest of the menu. Mmmmmm. Not super cheap like dim sum can be either though, but MMMMMMMMMMM good. Man, this is sad, I want more already and I was just there!!! This is one of the places I somehow missed when I was at UCLA... sigh. It's ok, I have discovered it now!!

Pic 01 Pic 02- see right

Only two pictures from after dessert at Phoenix Food Boutique next door, though. Sorry! Phoenix is pretty good too-- great variety-- but I wouldn't bother with their tapoica drinks again... the mochis and puddings looked better!

Approximate order, Left to Right: Thomas, Sophia, Erik and his fiance Mary, Carley, Justin, Nick, Ara.

Posted by brian at March 27, 2004 10:12 PM


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