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March 06, 2003
Currently playing: Erasure - Rain
Currently playing: Erasure - Rain (Live in San Francisco)
Student Anti-War Rally... Dave's mentioned in the Daily Bruin again, pointing out his view that the protest was basically ineffective ""I don't think any of these chants have freed Iraqi prisoners. I don't see how clapping and chanting is going to help the Iraqi people," Yet, college is the place for both left-wing and right-wing views to be shared. I have to respect that, as stupid as I think lots of these things can be...
Nissan Feburary Sales Figures. Nissan's new designs look to be selling well, but their older designs clearly need to be reworked. The Altima, new for 2002, is holding up pretty well, and in its new 3.5SE trim it was expected to eat a lot of Maxima sales... Maxima sales are down by 58%, a reflection of both the Altima's success as well as the impending all-new 2004 Maxima. I haven't looked at previous sales data to really establish how much Altima sales have affected Maxima sales, but the Altima looks like it'll need another mid-life-cycle freshening to remain competitive, as the interior quality is still "meh" and it still has a few too many rough edges. The Pathfinder and Sentra are especially aging-- it's really noticable in the Sentra-- and while the Quest is old and crappy, at least the Quest has a successor on the way. Infiniti is holding up better with the G35 and FX35/FX45, but that's about it...
Posted by brian at March 6, 2003 01:27 AM