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March 19, 2003

Currently playing: Erasure - Victim

Currently playing: Erasure - Victim of Love
Yes, the Erasure kick continues. (and you expected something else? Naaah!)

Took another final today, Microbiology 12... considering I'm taking it P/NP I'm not worried at all about it. If I was... well I'd probably be kicking myself for screwing the midterm, or else I might have an A. *sigh* Yesterday's final was Theater 104C, but because the professor is trapped in the 1970's he hasn't discovered computers or the internet yet. Man... that final scared the crap out of me. =( I hope I did ok! I probably did... but jeebus... theater and music professors are psycho, and the students are just as bad. I'm glad I'm never taking another theater class again!

Posted by brian at March 19, 2003 06:24 PM


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