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June 29, 2002
Currently playing: Depeche Mode -
Currently playing: Depeche Mode - Higher Love
Thuy's Birthday Lunch pictures are up. ZONC at the Blackhawk Museum w/Mr. K and the 350Z pictures are up. More coming, if I can catch some time to breathe...
Quick movie blurbs:
Minority Report: Good movie, if you can ignore the hype. There's so much hype, if you listen to it, you'll be disappointed. The first half is excellent, the second half is predictable.
Lilo and Stitch: Not especially frantic, which is good. Very entertaining even for those older than 12 years old, although my 5 year old cousin got pretty scared at times... lots of "bad kids" in this movie. Still lots of fun. Not a classic like Dumbo, though...
The Bourne Identity: Now this movie was very good. Didn't take itself too seriously though, so don't expect a Clancy-class spy flick. Still very good, and quite bad *ss at times.
The Sum of All Fears: Actually saw this one a month ago when it first came out, but never discussed it. It's a very good movie-- as far as action movies go it was excellent-- but if you're familiar with Clancy's books, you'll be doing what Dave and I did... banging your heads to the point of pain because the movies massacre the books so horribly.
Posted by brian at June 29, 2002 04:39 AM