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April 04, 2002

Currently playing: Depeche Mode -

Currently playing: Depeche Mode - Love in Itself
9:15pm: Diana, Linda, Ha, and Thao are on their way home from Los Angeles. Hope you all had fun (yes, even in Barry's living room!), and drive safe, kiddos! *ducks* (yeah, that's for making me feel old earlier. HAH!)
12 midnight update: They're on 152, everyone's favorite nasty freeway at night! (NOTE THE SARCASM!) Well bedtime for me. Night! =) Hope you all got home safe!

Been a great week- despite the usual issues with a new quarter- but two things are really pissing me off right now. Normally the 2nd thing wouldn't bother me, as contributing to the City of Los Angeles is something I do occasionally- but I'm really, really confused/upset/perplexed by the first thing and this second thing isn't helping. Maybe I'll figure it out later, and post a safe-for-public-consumption version later. Or not. (I could drive to pay my parking ticket in person tomorrow instead of blogging! heh... *sigh*)

Class again tomorrow... *sigh* I'll post pictures later.

Posted by brian at April 4, 2002 01:52 AM


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