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January 16, 2002

Currently playing: Chemical Brothers -

Currently playing: Chemical Brothers - It Began in Africa
Just finished Tom Clancy's Clear and Present Danger about 5 minutes ago. It's kind of crazy if you think about it, but I've had a mountain of reading to do for school... and for fun, I do more reading. Okay... check that, it's definitely crazy! Not too much else is happening though, which makes things awfully slow around here. The apartment hunt is stalled while Helma digs what is going to be a tough week for her, I've still got my nagging list of items to do. It's mostly taken care of at least...

Oh, an interesting technical quote:
"Hard drives aren't quite as accurate at preventing errors as fibre optic cables are - Qwest reckons that the error rate of an optical cable is equivalent to having one sand grain out of place on a 20 mile beach. - JamesW on StorageReview's forums"

Posted by brian at January 16, 2002 12:28 AM


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