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January 16, 2002

Currently playing: Depeche Mode -

Currently playing: Depeche Mode - Told You So
Still waitlisted for Geography 5... I need to make sure I get in, or else I need to take Geog183. (which meets right after Geog5 does, which could be a major pain tomorrow) Not too much else today. Lots of reading, although I still have a ton of stuff to catch up on in Geog130. I procrastinated a bit too, by cleaning my car a little bit and scrubbing down the bathroom sink and shower. Evidently, keeping things clean isn't a high priority of my roomies... *gross*

Stuff to look at: The Onion- iMac satire and LA Autoshow 2002 Pictures

Posted by brian at January 16, 2002 08:32 PM


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