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January 22, 2002
Currently playing: Digital Underground -
Currently playing: Digital Underground - Freaks of the Industry
Plextor has announced 40x CD-RW drives now; IDE only, of course. (where's the SCSI love?) I'm sitting here looking at my old Teac 4x burner, but I don't think I can justify $120 or $150 or $180 to replace it at the moment (with a Sanyo 12x, 16x, or 24x unit...). Heck, my car needs a new headunit more than I need a new burner.
As it is, today wasn't as productive as I'd like. Found a beautiful apartment that Helma and I are going to try to get, but the homework front just moved really slowly. Knowing I was missing VSU Culture Night didn't help! =( Well... the homework is finally almost done... but the Ars System Guide isn't done yet. =( I'll have to put that off until tomorrow, I think. Ugh. It doesn't help that for some reason, the entire day, I've been hungry... the food available to me hasn't been satisifying. I guess that means I need to go home and eat dinner with mom and dad again. That's the only sure solution I know of- mom's cooking. MMMMMM YUMMY!
Hope VSU Culture Night went well, everyone! Back to being boring and studying for me.
Posted by brian at January 22, 2002 01:29 AM